Hosted Email

Email accounts provided with our hosting use the same storage space as the website. To prevent issues with your website we keep a limit on your email accounts. By default we keep the limit fairly low to determine whether we will need to do any management on the email and for some cases move it to an alternative solution.

Immediate Action

Within your current hosting plan we can increase the limit on the email to prevent any sending/receiving issues. We will set the limit high enough to allow both your website or email to continue working. However keep in mind that there are limits set by your plan and we may need to contact you regarding changing to a higher one.

Emails are ever increasing

If you take just one month of email and look at it over one year it can be surprising how quickly it can get out of hand. Lets take an example –

Usage1 Month Average Emails1 Year Email Total Size5 Year Email Total Size
Light50 Sent/Received~250MB~1.2GB
Medium600 Sent/Received~3GB~15GB
Heavy1200 Sent/Received~6GB~30GB

How it can be managed

Our plans offer room to move but to prevent your emails from blowing out and causing your hosting to become more expensive suggest some general email housekeeping.

  • Ensuring you delete any unnecessary emails from your Inbox
  • Deleting old emails from Sent and Deleted folders

How we can help

From our back end we can help clear the clutter by deleting with the below options

  • All emails from a specific folder
  • Over a certain size from a specific folder
  • Sent/received before a date from a specific folder
  • Specific search query

Also if you would like you can request that we do this periodically.

Alternative Email System

We can also look at setting up an alternative email system that stores emails away from your website. This alternative also compresses emails highly so they don’t take up as much room. This solution with allow you to send and receive emails in the same or almost the same manner as you do now.

Get in touch

If you want to implement any of the above, discuss it further or if you have your own solution feel free to get in touch with the button below.

Contact Us